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"I'm too young to be completely content." She gave him a small smile. "You're really asking if I'm happy being with Alfonso, someone I'm sure you think is a dork or a sissy and not nearly good enough for me. Right?"
"Something like that."
"But he's a good man, Jake." When Jake didn't respond, she sighed into the silence. "Look, I'm going to be honest. You're that guy – you know, the shirtless guy with rock-hard abs on a romance novel with a name like The Billionaire's Conquest. You do have rock-hard abs, don't you?"
"You better believe it. But I'm no billionaire."
"But you are that guy," Jenna said with a soft laugh. "You know, the misunderstood but incredibly sexy tough guy, probably ex-military, with a dark past he's trying to overcome who needs the right woman to tame his inner demons and bring out his true sensitive and caring self?"
"You think I'm incredibly sexy?"
"I said I was going to be honest. I've had dreams about tearing off your shirt..." She stopped herself with a quiet cough and a rueful smile. "I'm sure a lot of women have. But Jake, that's fiction. In real life, good looks and a six-pack don't make relationships. I don't mean to shock you, but I've gone that route before. More than a couple times. And those times are the reason I'm with Alfonso."
"But...Alfonso? You couldn't meet a nice, beta male with at least a normal name?"
Jenna's chuckle held little amusement. "See, that's the thing, Jake. It's not about abs or names. Those things are just the surface. It's about the person. What you call 'beta' is a guy who's loyal, caring, and stable. That's Alfie. He's always looking out for me, wants the best for me. Says he worships me."
"I could worship you."
"Maybe at first, when the sex is hot and everything is new. But when real life kicks in..."
"Hey, I got a business, bills, a house. I'm as stable and real-life as it gets."
Jenna's laugh held a note of sadness. She steered the car off the road and stopped in a parking lot next to a large greenbelt.
"So what do you want me to do, Jake? Leave Alfonso and start dating you?"
"No." For the first time, Jake had a clear image of what he did want. It surprised him. "No dating. We're just together. Permanently. We do this thing together."
"You're talking about marriage?" She sounded startled.
"Yeah." Jake swallowed. "Sure. Whatever it takes."
"Are you serious? Total commitment – just like that."
"Uh huh."
Skepticism glinted in her large blue eyes. She smiled. "You don't sound that sure."
"Well, it's kind of a new concept for me."
"Have you ever been married?"
"What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?"
"Ah...I don't know. Maybe six or seven months."
Jenna smiled at him as if to say see what I mean.
"I admit I have been kinda half-assed about it. But things have changed. I don't want to be half-assed anymore."
"What's changed?"
"Ah..." Jake flexed a bicep and tapped it. "I became a superman, remember?"
"You never explained how that happened."
Jake nodded, frowning, gathering his words. "There's this virus that gives people superpowers. I have it. A few other people do, too."
"How did you get it?"
"Well..." He thought about it a few more moments and sighed. "Shit. I don't know any other way but to just say it. There's this lady. She comes from a different Earth...an alternate Earth, you know, like in the science fiction stories?"
"Uh huh."
"And this world, this other Earth, had an object crash on it. An alien object. And that object contained a virus which eventually infected most if not all people. This lady I was talking about was the first, and one of the strongest. Least, according to her. But she's way the fuck stronger than I am. She could toss my Pontiac into orbit. Hell, she could probably toss this whole parking lot into orbit."
"You said she's from an alternate world. What is she doing here?"
"Trying to save us, I guess. Main thing, her kid and hubbie are alive here." He shrugged. "Long story short, she knew another of my selves on her world, and she looked me up. Turns out that object that gave people superpowers was sent by some alien rebels to help us defeat some bad aliens who'd planned to destroy Earth. The people's superpowers allowed them to beat 'em."
"I'm not sure this is making much sense, Jake."
"Long story even shorter, those badass aliens are here, too, and looking to do the job their alternate versions couldn't pull off on this lady's Earth."
"Now you're saying there are aliens who are going to destroy this planet?"
"That's the gist of it. So Jamie's trying to put together an army of super-people and repeat her success on her home world. I'm in, and so is my Marine friend, Greg. Soon as he gets better, we're driving out to North Dakota. The government has its stake in the super-people game, too. Jamie donated some of her 'stuff' so they could create super-soldiers. Then we're all supposed to team up and kick alien ass. Now that's the full gist of it. I think."
Jenna stared at him for a long, exasperated moment.
"God," she said. "I can't believe I'm sitting here taking this seriously."
"Heh. But how can you not take someone seriously who can lift trucks, fuse metal, and change into a beautiful woman?"
"Hmm. Good point." Jenna tapped her rose-colored nails on the dash. "So you're going off to fight the aliens. I'm not sure where you see me fitting into that."
"I see you joining us."
She snorted. "Do I look like a soldier to you?"
"Most of these people aren't soldiers. But once you get 'supercharged,' it's a whole 'nother ballgame."
"You're offering to turn me into a super-person?"
"I would infect you, yes."
Jenna pressed a palm to her forehead. The air condition ruffled her short blond bangs.
"You wouldn't have to fight the aliens or anything, Jenna. In fact, I don't want you to be part of that. I just want to be a team. After we kick the aliens' butts –that's a done deal, trust me – we live happily ever after. White picket fence, swimming pool and barbecue in the backyard, the whole nine yards."
"White picket fence, huh?"
"You got it, baby."
"Uh, sure. If that's what you want."
"You don't sound too enthusiastic."
"It's not something I've thought about much. Not seriously."
"Alfie's against broadening our carbon footprint with kids."
"Alfie should get his soft, squishy ass kicked into the nearest parallel green world. You know, where there's no carbon emissions – just lots of sharp-toothed creatures that love chomping on soft asses."
Jenna tried to look stern, but a giggle slipped through her clenched lips. She composed herself with a clearing-throat sound.
"Having different political beliefs from you doesn't make someone soft," she said.
"No, that comes from lack of exercise." Jake gave her a dry smile. "But the real softness comes from not understanding a damn thing about what makes things work, about how to take care of yourself. You talk about 'real life.' People like your precious Alfonso don't know a damn thing about what it takes to live in the real world – how to run a business, how to fix stuff that's broken, how to live without someone else doing all the hard work for you. I know all that shit. If this world goes into the crapper, I'm the guy who knows how to live off the land. I know how to hunt, I know how to fish, how to trap – hell, I can even recognize the plants that are safe to eat. Part of my survival training in the USMC."
"I must be soft, too, because I can't do any of those things."
"It's okay for you to be soft. You're a girl."
"I wouldn't be so soft if I had superpowers, would I?" She frowned out at the modest midday traffic. "If you infected me with this virus, would I have your abilities? Or...?"
"No way of knowing until it happens. It af
fects everyone different, on a random basis, from what I know of it."
"What kind of powers are possible?"
"Don't know the full list. I know some people can fly, some teleport, shoot death rays, whatever. Everyone's healthier and stronger. Some a lot stronger than me."
Jenna's hands clenched and unclenched on the steering wheel. She pursed her lips and shook her head as if locked in an internal debate. Jake watched her and crossed his fingers.
They arrived back at the real estate office. Jenna parked in the spot she'd vacated. She gazed straight ahead, and Jake tried not to look at her. He didn't like feeling so needy – not with a girl, not with anyone. Whenever those feelings struck he was almost instantly determined to quash them. But he wasn't finding that easy with Jenna.
"I don't know what the truth is," Jenna groaned. "But if everything you're saying is true, it's not what I want. I'm no superhero. I want a simple life: sell some houses, work in my garden, try a new recipe, go out for dinner and a movie on Friday night."
Jake said nothing. He wasn't about to beg. And if that's how she really felt, then screw her. She could be planting her garden when the world crashed down around her for all he cared. Except he wasn't about to let that happen. He was going to save the world...with a little help from his friends. With or without her.
"Well..." Jenna doled the word out on a long exhalation. "I'm flattered you came here, Jake. But I hope you can see your romantic vision isn't for me."
"No problem."
"And while we're being honest, I hope you'll admit that you would never have dreamed of coming to see me if you didn't think I was hot."
Jake popped open the door. It was time to reclaim his manhood. What was left of it. But as he stepped out, she lunged across the seat and grabbed his arm. When he turned, their lips met in a kiss that rocked him to the core. It couldn't have lasted more than second or two, but in those seconds it was as if Jake could see his life passing before his eyes. Really two lives: one where she left with him, the other – the one he was apparently stuck with – where he went off to save the world alone. And then she pulled back, tears in her eyes.
"Thank you for trying," she said.
Chapter 23
THE ARRIVAL OF JAKE Culler and Greg Horner on Sunday afternoon inspired Jamie to call a special conference of her and Kylee's superhuman progeny, what Cal had coined the "Grand Forks Gang," in preparation for the meeting with what the government's "Enhanced Soldier Combat Unit" or ESCU. That meeting was scheduled tentatively in two days at the nearby North Dakota's Warden Air Force and Advanced Drone Testing Grounds.
None of the Grand Forks Gang had been comfortable traveling to the government's suggested Dugway Proving Ground. Tilde wondered if the place was still radioactive after the ten-megaton assassination attempt.
The civilian superheroes seemed uneasy, and in particular Culler, Horner, and Thomas Mayes struck Jamie as being in prickly moods. Thomas, along with Steven and Karen Clarkson – Karen having decided to bite the nanovirus "bullet" – had just recovered from their two-day super-flu, and had no clear idea about their powers. Culler and Horner seemed to know, but were reticent to discuss them. Jake had told Jamie over the phone that he had some shapeshifting and matter-manipulating abilities, and that Greg Horner was "incredibly fucking strong" – he'd said that in a sour, envious-sounding voice – and that was it. She had the impression that the two former Marine buddies, who slouched in lawn chairs a few yards from each other and so far hadn't exchanged more than two words, had run into some personal issues on their drive here. Jamie hoped they could iron them out quickly.
Thomas Mayes regarded the newcomers warily from his own chair across a thatch of lawn from them, sitting with his brother, Terry, and Steven and Karen Clarkson. They'd all introduced themselves and shaken hands with the two newcomers, but Jake and Greg had mumbled only a grudging word or two. Greg was wearing what looked like military fatigues, which along with his blond crew cut and baleful blue eyes created a cool space between him and the others.
Jamie guessed part of the issue was that none of them was quite sure how they stacked up against one another. They were all on the same side, in theory, but that was temporary. Maybe the alliance against the Elementals was too vague to inspire unity. After all, she was the only one who'd actually faced them. They were just a kind of scary abstraction to everyone else. How do you rally people around a scary abstraction?
Many of their powers were pretty abstract, too, at this point. Thomas Mayes claimed he didn't have voice command powers. From what Jamie had seen so far, he was able to move extraordinarily fast – faster than her eyes could follow – but not running or flying or teleporting, exactly. His body was enormously stronger than it had been on her world. In a brief shoving contest, her advantage in strength seemed minimal. His body felt nearly as hard and densely packed as hers. So he could shoot through the air at high speeds and use his density and strength against a target. Jamie imagined he could make an impressive battering ram if nothing else.
Steven Clarkson was promising. His mental acuity was unleashed as it had been on her world, but with an added twist: he could move and think at super-speed. Much like Jeremy "The Blur," but with Jeremy, as far as Jamie knew, his super-fast thinking only happened when he started moving super-fast. Steven could think an unknown amount of times faster without moving at all. He said it was like watching the world stand still. "Really creepy," he described it.
Karen Clarkson could read emotions and thoughts much as she could in Jamie's former universe. She had the bonus of being able to fly, though very erratically at this point – even worse that Tildie's first efforts – and was also much stronger and faster than her other self.
Greg Horner was the single holdout, grumbling sullenly and showing no interest in exploring his abilities – until Jamie dragged him out of his chair. After a few seconds of grappling, Jamie knew "The Hulk" lived on this world: they thrashed through the yard, tearing up chunks of grass with the force of their movements, until Jamie flung him over one hundred meters to one edge of their property. Horner bounded back – a single leap carrying him most of the distance – and Jamie hit him with a solid dose of telekinetics. She was startled when he continued his charge, apparently unaffected. She flew up out of his grasping arms and landed on his back, applying a gentle chokehold. He thrust a hand between her forearm and his neck and grabbed her clenching fingers to break her hold. Her grip held. He jabbed an elbow into her side. It actually hurt! Jamie released him with a shove that sent him sprawling.
Jake clapped his hands lightly in sardonic applause, while Dennis, Kylee, Cal, and Tildie looked uneasy. Horner pushed to his feet, eyeing Jamie with grim intent, but when Jamie smiled at him and held out her hand, a grin broke out on his square-jawed face.
"It's good to have you with us, Greg," she said.
He grasped her hand. "I hope I don't regret this."
"What's to regret, bonehead?" said Jake. "You're a fucking god, now."
"Maybe you should think twice about calling me 'bonehead', asshole." Horner released Jamie's hand and raised a large fist. "Since I could knock you into the next friggin' universe."
"Being strong doesn't make you smart – or right. Why don't you stop whining and be grateful for what I gave you?"
"Me, whining?" Horner affected a shocked expression. "Are you fucking kidding me? Who's the one who's been whining about his 'lost love' the whole damn way out here? Some gash that was never yours to begin with?"
"Don't you call her a gash, you ignorant jarhead."
Culler jumped to his feet, and the two squared off. Jamie stepped between them.
"What is wrong with you two?" she demanded. "Don't you think there are a few things more important now than your personal, petty issues?"
"You didn't have to listen to him moaning about this...girl for eight hundred miles," said Horner.
"That wasn't the only thing I talked about," Jake protested.
"You two bitch like you're married," Thomas Mayes snickered. "You should get a room or something."
Culler and Horner turned their harsh gazes on him.
"You should mind your own fucking business, Mandingo," Jake snapped.
Now Thomas was up and striding toward them. Horner stepped toward him with the happy smile of a child offered a surprise birthday present. Jake moved to his side.
"Guys, guys!" Tildie called out. "Don't you think it might be a good idea to focus on our real enemy?" She pointed up at the sky. "Hint: it's not here among us."
"Right on," said Cal. "We got way bigger fish to fry."
"Believe it or not," said Jamie, "you three became good allies on my world."
"There's a lot of hurt between you," Karen Clarkson spoke up, her eyes on Culler and Horner. "But you two care for each other very deeply. Try to remember the love."
"Like I said," Thomas laughed, "they be like an old married couple."
"I'm gonna marry my fist to your Mandingo face."
Horner leaped forward. In a blink – less than a blink – Thomas Mayes hurtled through the air into Greg's chest, driving him backward. A long ways backward. The two landed in a puff of dirt in a field beyond the far edge of the Shepherd property. Jamie started after them, but then stopped herself. If they wanted to kill each other, she'd let them. Or maybe they'd work something out. At this point, she was too disgusted to give a damn.
"That's right, honey," said Dennis. "Let the boys sort it out."
"They ain't exactly boys." Jake was shielding his eyes, a worried frown forming as he watched Horner and Mayes crash through a stand of corn. "Neither of them knows their powers too well. Someone could get hurt – or killed."
"I could go over there," said Tildie. "Maybe shock some sense into them?"
"Right," said Cal. "That should really calm them down."
Jamie struggled to locate her inner leader – leadership being something this ragtag crew obviously, desperately, needed. But all she found was a dark, tired place. Sometimes she wished – a small part of her wished – that she had just left well enough alone and stayed on her world to enjoy the fruits of all her labors a little longer instead of plunging into a new round of nail-biting chaos.